========================================== Welcome to Report Interface Designer 1.0 ========================================== This README file contains important, last minute information about Report Interface Designer 1.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Before installing, you MUST un-install any previously installed version of Report Interface Designer. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================================================== General Information ---------------------------------------------------- LICENSE.TXT, located in the product directory, is the license agreement that applies to this product. Please read and respect these requirements. Refer to the REDIST.TXT file in the \REDIST directory for information concerning which files you may redistribute. The Evaluation Version of Report Interface Designer is not crippled in any way, except that a reminder dialog will appear each time the application library is loaded into memory. ==================================================== File Locations ---------------------------------------------------- Below are the files and placement for the "Typical" installation: \Program Files\III\RID The RID.exe Application file The RIDExec.dll Application library file (this file will also be copied to the \Windows\System or \WinNT\System32 directory) The README.TXT file The LICENSE.TXT file \Program Files\III\RID\Help The RID.hlp Help file The RIDComp.hlp Help file The RIDComp.cnt Help Contents file The RIDComp.kwf Help Keywords file The RIDCompX.hlp Help file The RIDCompX.cnt Help Contents file \Program Files\III\RID\Delphi The RIDComp.dcu and RIDComp.dcr files for Delphi 2.0 The RIDComp3.dcu and RIDComp3.dcr files for Delphi 3 The IIIRID.dpl and IIIRID.dcp package files for Delphi 3 \Program Files\III\RID\ActiveX The RIDCompX.ocx, RIDCompX.lic and RIDComp.tlb files for ActiveX development tools \Program Files\III\RID\Samples\RIDView The RIDView Sample Application for Delphi files \Program Files\III\RID\Samples\RIDViewVB The RIDView Sample Application for Visual Basic 5.0 files \Program Files\III\RID\Samples\RIDViewPB The RIDView Sample Application for Powerbuilder files \Program Files\III\RID\Tutorial The RIDTutor.rpt Crystal Report file for the Tutorial The Tutor1.ddf Dialog file for Tutorial 1 The Tutor2.ddf Dialog file for Tutorial 2 The Tutor3.ddf Dialog file for Tutorial 3 The Tutor4.ddf Dialog file for Tutorial 4 The RIDTutor.doc Tutorial document in MSWord 6.0 format \Program Files\III\RID\Redist The RIDExec.dll Application library file The RIDCompX.ocx and RIDCompX.tlb ActiveX files The REDIST.TXT file ==================================================== Registration Information ---------------------------------------------------- For pricing and registration details of Report Interface Designer, visit our web site at http://www.iii-eng.com or e-mail sales@iii-eng.com for information. Online-ordering is available at this web site, or you may call TRI-I Engineering at (888) 551-3500 for immediate registration details. ==================================================== Delphi 2.0 Installation Notes ---------------------------------------------------- The following steps describe how to install the RIDComp component into Delphi 2: 1. Start Delphi 2.0, and select "Component|Install...". 2. Press the "Add..." button, followed by "Browse". Locate and select the RIDCOMP.DCU file. (This file will be found in the Delphi sub-directory beneath the RID application directory). 3. Press "Ok" to close the Install Components dialog and recompile the CMPLIB32.DCL library. 4. The install was successful if you see the RIDComp component on the TRI-I page of the component palette. The following steps describe how to install the help files into Delphi 2: 1. Copy the files RIDCOMP.HLP, RIDCOMP.CNT and RIDCOMP.KWF into the HELP directory under the Delphi 2 main directory. 2. Execute HELPINST.EXE in the HELP\TOOLS directory. 3. Open the Delphi.HDX file in the BIN directory, add the keyword file RIDCOMP.KWF to the list of keyword files and save. 4. Once the file compiles and installs, you should be able to access context-sensitive help for the RIDCOMP component. ==================================================== Delphi 3 Installation Notes ---------------------------------------------------- The following steps describe how to install the RIDComp component into Delphi 3: 1. Start Delphi 3, and select "Component|Install Packages...". 2. Press the "Add..." button. Locate and select the IIIRID.DPL file. (This file will be found in the Delphi sub-directory beneath the RID application directory). 3. Press "Ok" to close the Project Options dialog. 4. The install was successful if you see the RIDComp component on the TRI-I page of the component palette. After the IIIRID.dpl package is installed, it is necessary to update the library search path. 1. Select Tools|Environment Options to display the Environment Options dialog box. 2. Select the "Library" tab of the dialog box. 3. At the end of "Library Path" add the directory location where the RIDComp3.dcu file was installed, e.g., C:\Progra~1\III\RID\Delphi; 4. Press Ok to save these changes. The following steps describe how to install the help files into Delphi 3: 1. Using NOTEPAD.EXE (or another ASCII text editor), open the DELPHI3.CNT file (in the Delphi Help directory) and add the following line to the "index" section: :Index RIDComp Reference =RIDComp.hlp 2. The first time you attempt to access the RIDComp help, Windows may not be able to locate the help file, but will ask if you want to find the file yourself. Answer "Yes" to this question and browse for the RIDComp help file (RIDComp.hlp), which should be in the \HELP sub-directory beneath the RID application directory. ==================================================== ActiveX Installation Notes ---------------------------------------------------- The RIDCompX ActiveX control was registered during the installation process. Depending on the development tool you are using, there may be some additional installation steps. For instance, in Visual Basic 5.0, select Project|Components and then locate the RIDCompX control in the controls list. Enabling the checkbox will make the RIDCompX control available for use in the current project. For accessing the RIDCompX.hlp file simply add a RIDCompX control to a project and press F1. Windows may not be able to locate the help file, but will ask if you want to find the file yourself. Answer "Yes" to this question and browse for the RIDComp help file (RIDCompX.hlp), located in the \HELP sub-directory beneath the RID application directory. Please consult the user guide of the ActiveX development tool for more information. ==================================================== Sample Applications ---------------------------------------------------- The Report Interface Designer setup program will install 3 separate sample applications: RIDView This application is for Delphi 2.0/3 RIDViewVB This application is for MS Visual Basic 5.0 RIDViewPB This application is for Powersoft Powerbuilder 5.0 Please refer to the File Locations section above for details on where the project files will be installed. ==================================================== RID Support ---------------------------------------------------- As a first solution to any problems, please reference the TRI-I Engineering Support page on the web at http://www.iii-eng.com/support.htm. You can e-mail support@iii-eng.com with problems and questions, or you may call 310-967-3966 Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 6:00PM PST.